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Project CHEP
Brand(s) Danone Waters; Sustainable Brands Member Network Packaged Product(s) Various
Market(s) Global Release to Market(s)
Manufacturer Brambles (CHEP) Material(s) Pallet
  • Article notes industry statistics which indicate there are up to 50 billion empty truck miles driven each year in the US, equivalent to 28 percent of the total distance they travel.
  • CHEP aims to work with businesses of all sizes.
  • CHEP notes it uses advanced data analysis to identify common transport flows, and use sharing to almost eliminate inefficient partial loads and wasted miles. It detects the most efficient opportunities, and then shares the same trucks with CHEP or other CHEP customers, reducing empty distances and improving the payload of the transport equipment.
  • CHEP reports that its Transport Collaboration initiative has saved 6.6 million km of empty truck journeys, and avoided 6,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
  • Example: trains delivering Evian from France to the UK were returning empty. Through its Transport Collaboration initiative, CHEP agreed to pay a fixed cost per pallet to use Danone’s empty trains, instead of sending trucks from the UK. Danone Waters generated additional revenue of ‎€349,000 and 507 less trucks travelled to the Danone factory, saving 381 tons of CO₂.