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Option 4 – Improved Recyclability and Actual Recycling

The following actions, individually or collectively, will contribute to achieving the outcomes of improved recyclability and actual recycling of secondary & tertiary packaging. 

Available Courses of Action

  • Action 1 – Increase Recycling Value in Secondary & Tertiary Packaging

Action 1 – Increase Recycling Value in Secondary & Tertiary Packaging

The change in packaging design, composition or construction is primarily achieved thru one of more of the following:

  • Ensure material choice, adhesive choice and size of sleeve or label is not problematic for recycling

The following use case(s) provide examples of where increased recycling value has been demonstrated for secondary & tertiary packaging.

Use Cases
Use CaseInnovationApplication Release to Market
Fibre Corner BoardsResearch describes potential circular economy for hard-to-recycle plastic corner boards used to stabilize pallet loadsBananas2022

Supporting Resources

Useful resources to consider as you explore applying one or more of the above actions to secondary & tertiary packaging includes:

General Information
  • The Recycled Material Standard (RMS)
    GreenBlue (SPC)The RMS is a voluntary, market-based tool to address some of the challenges faced by the recycling industry in incorporating higher amounts of recycled content into packaging.
  • Packaging Design for Recycling: A Global Recommendation for Circular Packaging Design
    World Packaging Organization (WPO)

    This resource considers a holistic view of packaging as essential for sustainable pacakaging development – including delivering on a circular economy and the reduction in the sources of ecological impact on the environment. Design for recycling is part of circular product design and represents an important basis for holistic sustainable assessment.

  • Accelerating Recycling Best Practices: The 2023 Knowledge Report 2023
    The Recycling Partnership and The Center for Sustainable Behavior & Impact

    This report digs into what it will take from all of those involved across the value chain to incite the change necessary to accelerate recycling best practices.