Challenge Question 1.2: Does the packaging provide consumer accessibility and convenience?

Answer Options:

Rationale: A key packaging effectiveness consideration is how a package will impact consumers accessibility to the product and their overall convenience.  So, when evaluating consumer accessibility and convenience, it is necessary to determine the reasons packaging can cause consumer difficulties in the first place.  Things to consider include ease to open, single serve, resealability, portions control, tear-off perforations, portability, one-handed use, clear & easy to read labelling, and pleasing look and feel in your evaluation versus incumbent packaging.  Make packaging visually clear, by using highly legible, high-contrast colours that are easily read by those with visual impairment (E.g., easy to read fonts, such as sans-serif).  Consider packaging that has various ways of opening it, such as shaking or easy access ‘pop open’ entry.  Consider not only able-body users but also disable persons who may have issues with the packaging from a dexterity and visual perspective.  For instance,

a) NaviLens is an innovative technology that helps blind and partially sighted people hear and read information by simply pointing their smartphones at a code on the package.  This technology was first implemented product packaging by Kellogg UK. 

b) Research from Arthritis Australia indicates;

c) PAC Global website highlights 7 Principles of Universal Design and includes several use cases exemplifying inclusivity, equity and accessibility considerations in packaging, namely;

  1. Equitable Use – the design is useful and marketable to people with diverse abilities
  2. Flexibility in Use – the design accommodates a wide range of individual preferences and abilities
  3. Simple & Intuitive Use – use of the design is easy to understand regardless of the user’s experience, knowledge, language, skills, or current concentration level
  4. Perceptible Information – the design communicates necessary information effectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user’s sensory abilities
  5. Tolerance for Error – the design minimizes hazards and the adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions
  6. Low Physical Effort – the design can be used effectively and comfortable and with a minimum of fatigue
  7. Size/Space for Approach & Use – appropriate size and space is provided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use regardless of user’s body size, posture, or mobility 

Summary:  The package affects the way a consumer perceives the product. So, if the packaging is cumbersome and inconvenient to carry, many consumers may not buy it, directly impacting repeat sales. Inaccessibility tends to frustrate the customer and prevents them from immediately accessing what they’ve bought.  Accessible packaging is one of the best ways to add value to a product and raise the customer’s opinion of that product. As a result, by increasing your packaging’s user-friendliness, you can give yourself a significant edge over the competition.

Additional Resources:

  1. ‘A Vision for Accessible Packaging’,
  2. ‘Convenience Drives Food Packaging Innovation’,
  3. ‘Convenience Food Advantage’,
  4. Food Packaging Design Accessibility Guidelines’,
  5. ‘More than an Inconvenience: Why Accessible Packaging Matters’,
  6. ‘Packaging Trends: The Shift Towards Consumer Convenience’,
  7. ‘Six Things to Consider When Packaging for Convenience’,